Today, I applied to a bunch of jobs I'm over-qualified for, which most likely pay less than I was making at my last job. They might even pay less than I'm getting from unemployment. And the saddest part is I probably still won't get calls from any of them. I also applied to some jobs that I'm probably under-qualified for, 'cause what the fuck, why not? The worst they can do is not call me.
I know I haven't been at this too terribly long, but I'm already frustrated, and feeling like I'll never find a job that's not in sales. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to switch fields. I have NO sales experience at all, but I get calls or emails to interview for sales jobs almost daily. They clearly don't care about experience. And I definitely do NOT want to do sales. I don't have a sales personality, and I don't want my salary to depend on whether or not I can talk people into buying things they probably don't need in the first place. I just don't know how to do that. No offense to salespeople. If you can do it, more power to you. It's just not for me.
And my other gripe about looking for a job? Three little words: Bachelor's degree Required. It doesn't matter if your Bachelor's degree is in Chemistry or History or French... just as long as you have a degree. That drives me insane. What part of being an disaster recovery coordinator or administrative assistant or customer service representative will be helped by a Bachelor's in Fine Arts? Shouldn't my many YEARS of experience mean a whole lot more than whether or not I've finished college yet?
Anyway, in much happier news, my weigh-in today shows that in two weeks, I've lost 11 pounds. Incredibly pleased about that, and still not at all bored with eating this way. The only thing I really miss is fruit, but it'll still be there when I'm ready to eat it again :)